Hypnosis definition and its uses:
The practice of hypnotherapy is rapidly emerging as a highly effective science in solving the problems of people. Hypnosis can be very beneficial in many cases as a therapy in itself. Hypnosis a valuable adjunct in psychotherapy and psychiatry. Hypnosis it is probably the lowest risk procedure available from the standpoint of contraindications. Yet few therapeutic procedures are less understood, or more plagued by misconceptions and misunderstandings. Before considering what hypnosis is, perhaps it would be appropriate to establish what hypnosis is not! Most hypnotherapists, on interviewing a new client/patient, will ask the client what he or she thinks hypnosis is. Replies range from sleep, to unconsciousness, to surrender of mental powers and control, to magic, to voodoo. All are in error. Hypnosis cannot be sleep. In most cases, the subject is fully aware of communication and is able to respond on request either verbally or by signal. Nor is unconsciousness involved. A subject asked to make a specific movement will comply with the request unless it is objectionable, in which case there will be a refusal. There is no surrender of mind or control. A person who does not want to be hypnotized cannot be hypnotized or be induced to do or say anything which violates personal integrity. There is neither magic nor voodoo involved. Any hypnotherapist can explain the actions or behaviors seen in stage, film, or television shows, where the subject seems to follow directions mindlessly. Actually, hypnosis is better described than defined. It is often considered an altered state of consciousness featuring "selective perception," a process in which the subject (who is in control) chooses to see only what is relevant to his task, blocking out everything else. Hypnosis involves guided concentration. The guidance, however, may be provided by a qualified practitioner or, in the case of self-hypnosis, by the individual subject. Self-hypnosis, which can be taught by a properly certified hypnotherapist and learned by virtually any client, can provide the recipient with a lifetime of benefit.
The basics of hypnosis go back to ancient times. Those who have read Jean Auel's memorable book, "Clan Of The Cave Bear," will remember accounts of magic, healings, inherited memories and revelations performed or created by the "Mogurs" and "medicine women" of prehistoric clans. Hypnosis, in the early centuries of our own land, the medicine men of Indian tribes performed seeming miracles. Hypnosis, Wider, non-secret usage began in the 1700's in several forms under different names. There were periods of progress and periods of stagnation in the development of modern hypnosis. Medical interest and acceptance expanded following World War II when the use of hypnotherapy proved especially helpful to surviving battlefield casualties suffering from shock, injury, battle fatigue and various psychological disorders As understanding increased, hypnosis began to be recognized as an important adjunct to counseling psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry, and also medical fields including neurology, obstetrics, emergency medicine, burn therapy and others. Hypnosis is finding increasing usage in dentistry and other areas where pain control is important. All humans (and possibly several animals) have two distinct minds the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is vastly larger and more powerful than the conscious mind, yet it is the least understood and used by mankind. Actually, the great "unconscious" mind has two functional elements, the subconscious and the super conscious, the former the storehouse of memory, the latter dealing with the spiritual.
The subconscious mind receives and retains, neither accepting nor rejecting, all the messages we receive from our backgrounds, whether genetic, social, religious or experiential, plus all the conflicts (little or big) that enter our lives daily. When for whatever reason the conscious mind (which deals with everyday living, logic, reason, etc.) becomes overloaded, the subconscious prepares us for what is considered appropriate action (usually fight or flight). However, the subconscious mind does not analyze, as does the conscious mind, but accepts all messages in the literal sense. In essence, hypnosis is a means of communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Many human problems, habits, stresses, anxieties, attitudes or apparent deficiencies can be traced to interpretations by the subconscious mind which when understood by the conscious mind, can reduce or resolve specific problems. The subconscious is also the seat of all memory. Traumatic events can be buried or suppressed in the subconscious. A major benefit of hypnotherapy is its ability to uncover and bring into the light of understanding the buried information or experience which may be the cause of a troublesome disorder.
Many use hypnosis as an excuse to fail! Yes that is right, many people come
in and are looking to simply say "I went and it didn't work so might as well ...."
or say " I told you it hypnosis wouldn't work!". The tools we use and teach are not magic
and is in no way voodoo. We don't sell pills or give you false promises.
As with any tool or technique, even hypnosis, you still need to put in effort, make a decision to change your life, a personal commitment, and believe you will.
No matter what we do in life we must put in the effort. We can go to the store
and buy healthy food but if you do not actually eat it, it won't help you.
You can buy athletic shoes, but if you don't walk they won't help you.
It is the same with the hypnosis and tools we use and teach. All we ask is that you make a decision to change your life and put in the effort. We will do our best to help
you find the wisdom, strength, and drive within yourself to achieve your goal.
It is our passion and intention to help you succeed!
NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)
Richard Bandlers definition of Nlp:
Neuro - Nervous system through which experience is received and processed through the five senses.
Linguistic - Language and nonverbal communication systems through which neural representations are coded, ordered, and given meaning.
Programming - The ability to organize our communication and neurological systems to achieve specific desired goals and results.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy that was developed by Francine Shapiro to resolve the development of trauma-related disorders caused by exposure to distressing events such as rape or military combat. According to Shapiro's theory ,when a traumatic or distressing experience occurs, it may overwhelm usual cognitive and neurological coping mechanisms. The memory and associated stimuli of the event are inadequately processed, and are difunctionally stored in an isolated memory network. The goal of EMDR therapy is to process these distressing memories, reducing their lingering influence and allowing clients to develop more adaptive coping mechanisms.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming and Thought Field Therapy. During an EFT session, the client will focus on a specific issue while tapping on so-called "end points of the body's energy meridians".
Are you an extremely competitive person, or someone who would like to improve their athletic abilities for your own satisfaction? Are you tired of your friends and relatives getting the best of you while participating at your favorite sports activity? If so I can help you! I have worked with thousands of people, amateurs and professionals, who wanted, or needed to improve there athletic skills in every possible sport, with great success! I am a professional certified hypnotist, Iearned my sports hypnosis certification from Bob Reese, the trainer for years. I am also certified in neuro-linguistic programming, hypno coaching, and several other life improving techniques. I myself have been an athlete in several sports, at different levels, most of my life, and know how frustrating it is when your unable to perform as well as you wish, or know you can. I know how important image is, as well as self esteem, and performing well at whatever you do is the best builder of self esteem. To be successful at whatever you do in life, you must refuse to allow stress to control your life. Stress ruins your confidence, and without confidence, you will never succeed at anything, I will help you develop confidence. Remember henry ford said, “the person who thinks they can, and the person who thinks they can’t are both right”
Hypnosis will help improve your focus
Hypnosis will help your concentration
Hypnosis will help you with determination
Hypnosis will improve your self confidence
Hypnosis will help you with Fear
Hypnosis works!
Hypnosis for Weight Loss:
Many believe that they lack willpower when it comes to losing weight, but willpower has little to do with it. The online dictionary defines willpower as 1. the ability to control oneself and determine one's actions 2. firmness of will. When one thinks that they lack the willpower to lose weight they are really saying the cannot control themselves or if they have an issue with deserts they are saying that they do not have the ability to control their actions. How can a person control their actions if they do not first change their thought process? If we have been raised eating particular foods and that is what we know then it is not willpower it is not self control, it IS their belief system. Our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs create out reality. If all we know, seen and been taught (consciously or subconsciously) that certain foods taste better then that created the belief system. Then their are other factors in our society as well that have molded our belief system without any of us aware that it was happening. Television is one of the most powerful, subliminal, subconscious tools in the world. There are millions of dollars spent on creating the perfect commercial that contains many messages that are in a way brainwashing. The more we see a pleasing picture of a well made pizza with beautiful, pleasing people, in a visually pleasing environment then before we know it we are thinking of that pizza, then we believe we would like to have that pizza, yes that is a form of brainwashing, but brainwashing that we do to ourselves by choosing to watch. If there are commercials for animals that are ill and are in need then the visuals are even more powerful so that you will pick up the phone and call in your donation to help that poor animal. Drama sells and the more we fill our minds with drama our reality becomes dramatic. There is a misconception that hypnosis/hypnotherapy makes you lose weight, that is wrong. Hypnosis doesn't make you lose weight, it is not a magic pill, voo doo or mind control. Hypnosis can help you change your thought process, which then changes your belief system and therefore changes your reality. If you think you cannot do something (no matter what it is), then you believe you cannot and so therefore you won't do it simply because your first thought is that you cannot. Our belief system controls everything we do in life, good or bad. Wars are started and continue due to the belief system. It is not conviction that controls us, it is the belief system. There is a difference between conviction and personal preference. Your conviction supports your belief system and you are willing to possibly give your life for that belief. Personal preference is not belief driven it is jut a preference, a choice that you may be willing to change if needed or wanted. What does all this have to do with losing weight you ask, Everything! You must change your thought process about food in order to lose weight. You can do on diets but the thought pattern must change with the diet change. All your mind knows is what its been taught, told, seen or experienced. It is all anchored in our minds and with every thought, good or bad, there is a physical change within the body. If you were rewarded with candy as a child for doing good then that is anchored in your mind as a pleasant, good thing. So when you want to feel rewarded and feel that good feeling that you felt as a child being rewarded you reach for what you know and been taught, you reach for candy. If you family only gathered on holidays, the table was overflowing with unhealthy food and the family was very happy then that same feeling is connected to those foods and we therefore see them as comfort when we feel down. When we reach for these things we aren't necessarily looking for the taste of the food nor do we necessarily think they taste better, we are looking for the subconscious feeling we get from eating them because they are directly connected to being rewarded, family occasions, birthdays, etc. Like I said hypnosis cannot take the weight off your body, you take that weight off by changing what you eat, how much you eat and exercise. Hypnosis helps you change your thought patterns and beliefs so that you do change what you eat, how much you eat and exercise. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that we have always had, it is the power of thought, the problem is that we do not use it or simply do not know how to use it. Our minds control everything that goes on within us, it heals our bodies. Why do more people not use this wonderful tool? Fear, people fear what they do not know. Also because they simply do not like change, even though they know that they need or must change their lives. People fear the unknown, not knowing who they might be if they were thinner or healthier, sounds strange? Many of us it is our identity to be overweight, too thin, depressed, angry, ill. Hypnosis can help every aspect of your life and all we need to do is simply use it to change our thoughts and therefore improve our lives.
Hypnosis for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
An unknown number of Americans suffer with post traumatic stress disorder, (ptsd), some are acutely aware of it, too many will have no idea until it’s to late. It’s unfortunate that many people think that the only people, men and women, that suffer from ptsd are military, and nothing can be further from the truth. I can relate to all those that have intense ptsd, and those who have no idea they are about to suffer the intense effects. My military service inflicted this horrific condition on me and I didn’t realize the full effect for over thirty years, although others saw it. I woke one day not wanting to get out of bed, and when I did it took all my energy and desire to just walk to the living room, where I wanted to be absolutely alone, lights off, and I felt nothing wrong, which was later diagnosed as absolute depression. I could not allow anyone, spouse, children or grandchildren around. I had no idea that I was so angry that no one could talk or touch me, I later suffered from the fear that I would hurt someone, or to end the unspeakable torture in my head, myself. I could not be around anyone. I felt that there was dirt under my fingernails, and I dug until they bled, cutting them well past the quick. It was just beginning, when I tried to lie down to sleep, I was sure my teeth had something between them, although I had been unable to eat. I got up, brushed, flossed but was unable to remove the objects because there was nothing there, I tried to pull my teeth to point of bleeding I walked the streets until three or four o’clock every night hoping I would be able to forget and get so tired I would sleep. I can no longer sleep with anyone near me. I finally went to the dentist and had him grind spaces between my teeth so they would not touch . Sleep was impossible, I could close my eyes and felt every wrinkle, and when I did begin to sleep it is nothing but solid nightmares, never ending, two to three hours of sleep was a blessing. The only real rest came when I was in my recliner when I got to it each day, from depression making me doze off finally. I was unable to see any of my family, even on thanksgiving and Christmas, because I was unable to be around anyone, and afraid that because of the uncontrolled anger, I would hurt someone. Every night when I went to bed, I prayed, but my prayer was that I please not wake the next day.
When I finally realized I had a problem that I didn’t understand, and could not control, indeed, one that controlled me, I went to the veterans hospital and unfortunately the only solution they have is to medicate, up to thirty four pills a day, I was a walking zombie, but the anger never seized. The only thing good that came from the pills was that they slowed my agony to the point I knew the problems I had, and gave me the ability to at least make rational decisions. The greatest decision I made was that I had a better solution. At the time I had been a professional hypnotist for thirty years and knew the value and advantages. I am also certified in NLP and knew I could find a better way than living a life outside myself. I began to practice what I taught, relaxation through hypnosis and NLP. I no longer take pills, and I control my life now, fears, anger and elusions never will again. Through this I have not only helped myself, but developed techniques and methods to help other’s, I only need the chance, while they only require the desire and passion.
Hypnosis will help with focus
Hypnosis will help with memory
Hypnosis will help with insomnia
Hypnosis will help with anxiety
Hypnosis will help with relaxation
Hypnosis works!
Hypnosis for Cancer: What the American Cancer Society has to say
What is the evidence?
Many reports demonstrate that hypnosis can help patients reduce blood pressure, stress, anxiety, and pain. Hypnosis can create relaxing brain wave patterns, although reports on how much it helps to change behaviors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and overeating are mixed. Most researchers who reviewed clinical trials on the use of hypnosis to help people stop smoking found that the evidence did not support its effectiveness.
Hypnosis can be used by therapists as a tool to help eliminate phobias or decrease their strength. Research has also shown that hypnosis can help reduce anticipatory nausea and vomiting. (anticipatory or conditioned nausea or vomiting occurs when, after a few doses of chemotherapy have caused nausea or vomiting, some people have nausea or vomiting just before the next dose is to be given.) Hypnosis appears less likely to help nausea and vomiting that happen after the chemotherapy dose is given. According to a report from the nih, there is evidence that hypnosis can help reduce some kinds of cancer pain. In 2006, researchers reviewed studies of children with cancer and found that hypnosis appeared to help reduce pain and distress from medical procedures. In one study published in 2008, giving breast cancer patients a brief hypnosis session before surgery reduced the pain, nausea, fatigue, discomfort, emotional upset, and cost of the procedure.
Another NIH report, which reviewed several scientific studies, showed that women under hypnosis before childbirth had shorter labors and more comfortable deliveries. According to the report, hypnosis may also enhance the immune system. The report looked at one study that found that hypnosis raised the levels of immunoglobulin (an important part of the immune system) in healthy children. Another study found that self-hypnosis led to an increase in white blood cell activity. The NIH report also looked at twelve different controlled studies: one showed that hypnosis reduced the intensity or frequency of migraine headaches in children and teenagers. Another study on chronically ill patients found a 113 percent increase in pain tolerance among highly hypnotizable subjects versus those who were not hypnotized. According to the NIH report, the reasons why hypnosis causes these changes are not well-understood.
Link below explains more:
Hypnosis can be very helpful for ADD and ADHD. The fact that hypnosis works with the mind and helps focus, attention, self confidence and much more, why not use it to help with this disorder as well! We live in total over stimulation daily and hypnosis can be a tool that helps slow down the symptoms of ADD or ADHD and help control the affects of them. With hypnosis, self hypnosis and progressive relaxation you can slow down your thought process and allow the mind to focus on positive thoughts one thought at a time if needed.
Put The Pieces Back Together
Hypnosis Works!
Hypnosis,Richmond,Virginia, Hypnotherapy