New Way New Day Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Richmond, Virginia
The Way To Wellness
The Dawn Of A New Day
New Way New Day Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Richmond, Virginia
The Way To Wellness
The Dawn Of A New Day
The Way To Wellness
The Dawn Of A New Day
The Way To Wellness
The Dawn Of A New Day
We brought Gina and Eddie to our dealership because we had two employees that had such success with smoking cessation and stress management that we wanted to provide this resource to all employees and make it convenient for them. We have a culture of wellness here at Dominion Auto Group. That's not to say that everyone lives a healthy lif
We brought Gina and Eddie to our dealership because we had two employees that had such success with smoking cessation and stress management that we wanted to provide this resource to all employees and make it convenient for them. We have a culture of wellness here at Dominion Auto Group. That's not to say that everyone lives a healthy lifestyle, but we try to provide as many convenient resources that help our employees improve their lifestyle because we understand that a healthy employee is a happier and more productive employee.
Gina and Eddie met with over 30 employees over 5 days and helped them with smoking cessation, stress management, weight management and relaxation techniques. We originally scheduled them for one day, but we had to keep adding days because we had so many requests for appointments and eventually we scheduled 5 days.
In terms of smoking cessation, our employees have had tremendous success with Gina and Eddie. For example one employee had smoked at least a pack a day for over 40 years. After just one session with Eddie he quit. Another employee had smoked for over 18 years and had tried to quit several times, again after one session with Eddie he quit.
We believe in the benefits of hypnotherapy because we have seen so many of our employees improve their lifestyles as a result of their sessions.
Ashley Hepp
Human Resources Manager
For more check out our referral page!
Our focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. We achieve this by providing a neutral safe space, listening non to your concerns without judgement, and customizing each session to your needs.
"Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are not mind control as many have been taught. Hypnosis is a tool that we
Our focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. We achieve this by providing a neutral safe space, listening non to your concerns without judgement, and customizing each session to your needs.
"Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are not mind control as many have been taught. Hypnosis is a tool that we are actually born with and we do not use. Those before us did not understand the mind, it was a mystery to them and so therefore feared hypnosis because they perceived it as mind control. Also in order to gain control in society and improve what they felt was the lack of morality of the day, the powers that be at the time, increased the fear of hypnosis by their teachings. A person cannot be made to do anything against their will while in hypnosis. While in hypnosis you also do not reveal any secrets or information that you do not want to share. We fear what we do not know or understand. We use hypnosis every day and do not realize it. Daydreaming is a form of hypnosis. If our mind controls everything that we do physically without consciously thinking about it, why not use that to take back control of you life. Why not use your mind to work for you instead of against you by using one of the oldest, most effective
tools there is, Hypnosis! "
We offer private Hypnosis sessions for:
Quit Smoking
Weight Shed
Boost Fertility
Pain Relief
Fear Release
Self Esteem
Self Confidence
Alcohol Dependency
Food Addiction
Sugar Addiction
Postpartum Blues
Sports Performance Anxiety
Boost Sports Performance
Performance Anxiety (any type)
Cancer Support
And so much more!!
We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life.
Our Intention:
To supply affordable hypnosis and hypnotherapy services in order to inspire, encourage, guide people to find their strength, find wholeness
We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life.
Our Intention:
To supply affordable hypnosis and hypnotherapy services in order to inspire, encourage, guide people to find their strength, find wholeness, become well and transform their lives.
Our Guarantee:
Although we cannot guarantee human behavior and cannot guarantee a particular result, we do guarantee that we will do our very best to help you accomplish your goal, to be honest, to implement our intention, and to give you the very best service possible.
What we require:
We ask that you truly want to change your life, to show up on time for you appointment, that you give us a 24 hour notice if you cannot make the appointment.
Why are our services affordable?
We live in a world that people rationalize away all the excuses why they cannot afford to become well or transform their lives. We have taken away the excuses! Our fee is less or the same as a insurance co pay for private sessions. Just because one charges more does not make them more effective at what they do. We are determined and passionate about what we do and it is our intention to help you to take back your life.
Our Agreement:
At New Day New Way, we strive to utilize our training to provide you with the best possible experience to allow you to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. To ensure you get the most from your session, we ask that you fully participate in the process, listen to the CDs we provide and complete any "homework" assigned to you.
Please arrive on time and call if you will be late or need to reschedule. We schedule a limited amount of time between appointments. If you are 15 minutes late, your appointment will be canceled or rescheduled.
If you are unable to make the appointment, we require 24 hour’s notice or a $10.00 no- show fee will be applied.
Hypnotherapy in Richmond Virginia
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Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives. Through hypnosis and hypnotherapy, we are able to help you recover motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life.
Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. Hypnosis can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing.
That is right quit smoking today using hypnosis! Hypnosis and hypnotherapy has been proven to be the most successful way to quit smoking. In order to change any behavioral problem you have to change your believe system, the best way to change your belief system is using hypnosis. Hypnosis helps you increase your determination to achiev
That is right quit smoking today using hypnosis! Hypnosis and hypnotherapy has been proven to be the most successful way to quit smoking. In order to change any behavioral problem you have to change your believe system, the best way to change your belief system is using hypnosis. Hypnosis helps you increase your determination to achieve your goal, whatever that goal may be. We all make choices everyday and our subconscious takes everything we say to our self every day as fact, our subconscious doesn't take a joke! You must make the choice to quit smoking. Hypnosis allows us to help guide you into that relaxed state so that you can make that choice in a calm state of mind and make it permanent.
It doesn't matter how long you have been smoking or how many times you have tried to stop in the past this time quit for life! We can help anyone who is sincere about retaining their health and quit smoking permanently.
Proudly Serving Richmond, Virginia
with Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Phobias, Fear, Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Pain Relief, Improving Memory, Procrastination, Problem Solving, Infertility, Hypnosis for Childbirth, Sexual Dysfunction, Body Image, Cancer Support, Financial Security, Depression, PTSD, ADHD, ADD, Hypnosis, Nlp, EFT, EMDR, hypnosis for anxiety and More!
New Way New Day specializes in hypnosis/hypnotherapy and conducts affordable private and group sessions for people who want to improve their health and wellbeing by altering patterns of dysfunctional behavior. Hypnosis has been used effectively for smoking cessation, weight loss and maintenance, stress management, and resolution of anxiety, depression and phobias. We also offer pain relief when referred by a doctor. Private and group classes are offered for labor and birth, and fertility issues. We are certified in the latest proven techniques including: hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnocoaching (life coaching), EFT and EMDR. These techniques have proven beneficial in the treatment of fibromyalgia, lack of confidence and low self- esteem, post-partum depression,
pre-surgical preparation, post surgical recovery, post- traumatic stress,
sexual dysfunction, and ADD/ADHD.
Additionally, we can help you to master techniques to improve your athletic performance!
Thinking creates feelings. Feelings create beliefs. Beliefs create behaviors. Smoking, eating and drinking to excess, substance abuse, lack of confidence, low self-esteem and debilitating fears/anxieties are all learned behaviors controlled by our subconscious mind. In order to change problematic behavior you must first change your belief system. Hypnosis provides a shortcut to the subconscious and is a powerful tool that we can utilize to improve our lives. While under hypnosis you are in a very relaxed state which allows your subconscious to absorb, and assimilate the information it needs to make positive life changes. The applications for hypnosis are limitless! We are born with the power within us to be the masters of our own destinies. We simply need to learn a few basic techniques. We use hypnosis every day and just don't realize it. Have you ever arrived at work and not remembered anything about the drive there? Your subconscious mind took over and did what it needed to do! Why not use hypnosis to help your mind work FOR you instead of AGAINST you? There have always been misconceptions about hypnosis. It is not mind control. You cannot be forced to do anything while under hypnosis which you would not otherwise do. It is not a "lie detector." You are in complete control while in a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a powerful tool used to effectuate positive life changes. If someone you know has been able to overcome a behavioral problem, it wasn’t willpower alone. They also believed they could change. If this was something you had to do to save the life of the person most dear to you, would you? Of course! If you can do it when you HAVE to, you can do it when you WANT to.
One of the things we are most proud of is our client’s belief in our sincere desire to help them achieve their goals. I believe you will sense this the moment you walk into our office.
Our fee is less than your normal co pay!
$50.00 a session
Check out this great video
Serving the Richmond, Virginia area with specialties of Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, HypnoBirthing and more!
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Hypnosis, Richmond, Virginia, RVA
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Richmond, Virginia
Hypnosis, Richmond, Virginia, RVA
Check out this great video
Please contact us with questions.
1403 Pemberton Road, Suite 105, Richmond, VA 23238, US
Open today | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm |
All our appointments are private and by appointment only. We do offer group sessions for businesses, schools and organizations.