Our Intention
Where we come to unleash our potential, our truth and our authenticity. To activate our inner wisdom, gifts and guidance. To remember our innate purpose and create a new blueprint of who we are and erase the old self-defeating imprints and patterns through honesty, love and compassion for ourselves as well as our sisters. Wrapping ourselves up in healing energy and commune with our knowingness. To honor our sacredness and divinity as we reclaim our womanhood and restore our spirits. As we will seek out our divine feminine power together. The road will be difficult at times but together each of us will find our own unique inner power, guidance and light. Allowing the inflow and outflow of self-love, coming together to revolutionize woman hood. To embrace our birthright as important, powerful beings.
We will discover and uncover our true power and potential where we become our authentic selves living a life of peace, power and purpose. Activating our inner wisdom, we begin to remember our spirits divine right to health and happiness. As we improve our mental health and wellbeing we learn to erase old pain and patterns which lead to self-sabotage and self-loathing that keep us fragmented and disconnected from our own heart and intention.
Within this sacred circle we will create a space of warmth and openness for all women who seek truth. A safe space to honor our sacred divinity and reclaim all of the gifts as a woman which are our birthright as we seek and find love for ourselves and learn to use our internal wisdom, as well as experience to aid other women like ourselves to reconnect with their own power as they evolve into their own intrinsic wisdom. Through the ashes we will rise up and become whole again as we reclaim our space and learn to live a life full of faith, hope and love.
“The deep Feminine, the mystery of consciousness, She who is life, is longing for our transformation as much as we are. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births and deaths… But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression. This is what She longs for, this is what we are for: experiencing the Feminine through ourselves. We simply need to slow down, and find where to put our conscious attention. And it is this, this willingness to look again, this willingness to put consciousness onto our places of unconscious, to express what we have always avoided, which starts the process of unblocking, so that She may flow through.”
― Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman
As I have been going through some changes in my life and have entered into the newest phase I began to look around me and had some realizations. After women move out of the fertile years our tribe begins to dissipate. It made me think, what happens after the red tent phase? So many women are needing support and guidance and there is very little if any. Also, It can be a lonely time as we become more isolated due to the shrinking of our ties to friends and family. I am excited to start this monthly gathering of women that are starting, are in or have Warrior’d through this wise women journey. This is a powerful phase. We begin to see things much clearer and we achieve freedom to be ourselves As we embrace our true divine femininity. Come join me to help each other, share with each other and guide each other through this amazing phase of life.
We welcome those women that are in perimenopause, are in menopause or have been through it. The intention to gather together with optimism, compassion, understanding and grace. To help each other find their strength and power that is there within them. A safe, sacred space to improve our mental health, to open up and ask questions or talk about vulnerable things without any judgement from others. We are all experiencing or have experienced so much that we can share about with those that understand and that others simply don’t understand or are not willing to talk about. This is a support group different than other support groups, it is a gathering of wisdom. Come gather with me!
This gathering is for women only. It is a in person gathering at our office in Richmond, Virginia
Registration is required
Cost: $0.00
Dates and times see below
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance an
d strength from the relationship." - Brené Brown
“All too often women believe it is a sign of commitment, an expression of love, to endure unkindness or cruelty, to forgive and forget. In actuality, when we love rightly we know that the healthy, loving response to cruelty and abuse is putting ourselves out of harm's way.” - bell hoo
Trauma Healing Circle
Healing our spirits is hard work, especially alone. You are not alone. Women need a place to heard and valued. A place to be seen and understood. A space of healing that has no judgement. If you have been through trauma we invite you to come and gather with us. There is a need for a space for women who are struggling through life but feel there is no where to turn, no resources, and no hope maybe. Our hope is that you will come and find healing. This gathering of women is supportive but not like any mainstream support groups. This circle of healings intention is to hold space for the wounded, the hurting or just those feeling lost. To improve ones mental health and wellbeing. Our outlook is with optimism, hope, faith, grace and love.
We are excited to be a part of this healing journey with you. We will work to provide resources of information that may be helpful to you, speakers that understand where you are in life and what you have been through, provide tools you can use to further your healing journey. As we grow we will expand what we can offer.
This is a women only group. It is held in person in our office in Richmond, Virginia.
Registration is required
cost : $0.00
Dates and times see below
"Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are."
Rachel Naomi Remen
Releasing Trapped Emotions
“The anxiety of anger and other “negative” emotions like sadness and rejection may become deeply bound in the body. Eventually it is transmuted into biological changes through the multiple and infinitely subtle cross-connections of the PNI apparatus, the unifying nexus of body/mind. This is the route that leads to organic disease. When anger is disarmed, so is the immune system. Or when the aggressive energy of anger is diverted inward, the immune system becomes confused. Our physiological defences no longer protect us or may even turn mutinous, attacking the body.”
― Gabor Maté, When the Body Says No
Have you heard the phrase "I keep getting in my own way" or 'I feel stuck in life" "I get easily distracted" ? Those phrases are your inner mind saying to you that there is something you need to release so that you can achieve your goals, dreams and aspirations. To heal your body, your life. This workshop is to do just that, to release trapped emotions or remove what is blocking you from success and living your best life.
Trapped emotions may even be the block. We think many times that what is keeping us from healing, making more money, achieving our goals is something external but usually it is what is internal that is stopping us. Come join me in this workshop for in person, hands on and interactive guidance. We have the blueprint within us to heal our lives, we simply need to tune into the internal knowingness and tune out the external noise. We need to erase negative imprints that were planted within us by things outside ourselves.
This is a interactive workshop that will show and provide you with tools you take with you and implement them easily such as EFT/tapping, hypnotherapy and more.
This is women only workshop at this time. It is held in person. For more detailed information please email Gina at info@newwaynewday.com or call 804-245-7055
Registration is required for workshops
Cost: 100.00
For Dates and times see below
Success Tools Workshop
“We have an innate desire to endlessly learn, grow, and develop. We want to become more than what we already are. Once we yield to this inclination for continuous and never-ending improvement, we lead a life of endless accomplishments and satisfaction.”
― Jack Canfield
This is a two day workshop to provide tools so that you can create a recipe for your daily life to achieve your goals, dreams and aspirations. Create a blueprint for success. This is a interactive workshop that will be helpful in every aspect of your life and for whatever you are wanting to achieve. Life skills are important and we need them to achieve our goals and manifest our dreams. Come join us to unleash your potential and activate your strengths as you develop new skills. This workshop will switch on the motivation within you and move you into the next level of success.
This is a interactive workshop that will show and provide you with tools you take with you and implement them easily.
This is women only workshop at this time. It is held in person.
For more detailed information about our workshops please email Gina at info@newwaynewday.com or
call 804-245-7055
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Information coming soon for our workshops, support groups, circles and gatherings.
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
More information to come
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
1403 Pemberton road, suite 105, Henrico, VA 23238
Information coming soon for our workshops, support groups, circles and gatherings.
Although our gatherings, circles, support groups are very therapeutic and improve our mental health, they are not a replacement for counselling and therapy. We encourage you to continue seeing your therapist if you already have one and also if you need one we encourage you to seek one. Anything discussed does not replace or is in any way medical advice.
Coming Soon