James E. Womack is a board certified master hypnotherapist and certified master instructor with over forty years of professional experience. He is a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapist and National Guild of Hypnotism. His strict adherence to the code of ethics and confidentially has allowed him to work with the biggest companies of the world including GoodYear, Colgate, Ford, Chrysler and Delco to mention a few. He works with entertainers and athletes, professional and amateur. He has also worked with most major agencies in the state of Virginia. He feels privileged to be a speaker at high schools, colleges and universities about the advantages of hypnosis and the neurosciences. His military experience is giving him the privilege of helping those suffering the horrific condition of PTSD and has clients from the Pentagon and Quantico. He is a former faculty member of the original HypnoBirthing International, founded by Marie Mongan allowing women the choice to birth their babies naturally and used by celebrities like Kate Middleton, Jessica Albin and several others. He was certified in Neuro-Linguistic- Programming by Richard Bandler, it’s co-creator. He is a certified Forensic Hypnotist, Sports Hypnotist and is certified in Pain Management. Regular business includes stop smoking, weight shed, Confidence building, relief of depression and anxiety, nail biting and sexual issues to mention a few.
His compassion, understanding and dedication to help people change their lives is clear and unmistakable.
Gina Kochany is the mother of 2 children and the grandmother of 6. She is a certified Hypnotist, Childbirth Educator, doula and has various training's in complimentary healing. She became a childbirth educator and doula with the firm belief that the only way to change the birthing environment is through education and through each childbirth. This is not a pass of fail experience, it not a test of womanhood. Pregnancy, Labor and Birth are a path to motherhood, a journey that has many paths and detours. Every baby has its own path and its own story. When she was invited to be a faculty member with the HypnoBirthing Institute she was excited to be able to share her passion for birth in a much broader way. As she has moved through the last 7 years of her life and through many phases, such as two bouts with breast cancer and menopause, she is on a mission to help as many women as possible through their phases of life. To encourage, educate and help nourish their minds, bodies and spirits. She is a life doula, attending women at birthing and unleashing their passions, dreams and aspirations.
Gina specializes in women's issues, Fear release, quitting smoking, weight shed, pain relief, depression, self-worth, stress relief and more using Hypnosis. With her life experience, and being raised as a minister’s daughter, it makes her unique in her approach and it is clear that her intention to make a difference is pure to help people find their own power, to take back control and reclaim their lives. Gina's intention every day is to be a vessel of healing, peace and grace that will flow freely through her to each person she comes in contact with.
New Way New Day helps people with career choices, change and development,relaxation, wellness, weight loss, quit smoking, finances, along with spirituality and happiness so they can live a more fulfilled life.
New Way New Day has a special ability to build leaders, happiness, and deep, lasting satisfaction in life. Additionally, they are acclaimed for their work at helping people develop, design and live extraordinary lives.
Listening to our inherent wisdom draws us toward wholeness and health and as the body and mind address and integrate what you've been resisting and release blocks and obstacles, you become free to soar. In this process, you let go of limiting perceptions that block even greater self trust and confidence, open your heart, your passion, and your attention to your
inner being and a wisdom that is always there, but not always tapped. From this space, as you live from your inner being, and include all parts of yourself, shifts then take place that unlock areas where you have been stuck and allow for greater joy.
Using Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy will change you life!
Is it your desire to become a happier, healthier, wealthier person? Have you tried and failed before? For the past forty years we have helped thousands of people these goals and they will attest to the fact that hypnosis is the quickest and easiest way to create personal wellness. Is your employer trying to cut cost, improve health and boost production? Our hypnosis seminars can do just that! With the rising cost of medical bills due to smoking, weight and stress our hypnosis seminar teach techniques that you can take with you to keep affirming what we WILL accomplish during the hypnosis seminar. We do not make unfounded promises, we speak truth and provide results. Our passion for your wellness makes our seminar your NEW WAY to a NEW DAY.